We believe strongly that our current students can benefit from the wisdom and experience of members of our extended RLC community. RLC will be hosting Career Mentoring day Friday November 24th, and we are looking for mentors to join us. This is a day that students value greatly, learning first hand from those currently working in the careers they are interested in.
Career Mentoring Day will take place Friday November 24th from 12:30-4:00pm.
The format of the day is speed networking, where each mentor is stationed at a table and the students rotate around to each table in timed increments. This allows each student to have time with each mentor, so they are learning about their own specific areas of interest, but also being exposed to what their classmates are interested in and possibly learning about a career they hadn’t previously considered.
Feedback from those who acted as Mentors last year:
"This was a great event Cheryl and it was wonderful to be back on campus and interact with an amazing group of students. Lionel DeMercado '76, Financial Director
"All I saw were smiles! Thank you Cheryl for organizing the event and thank you alumni for making a positive impact on current Rosseau students." Fiona Blair, Parent
"I had a great time connecting with the RLC students of today and leaders of tomorrow. I strongly suggest anyone associated with the school, alumni, students who attended but did not finish at RLC and more to come to the 50th Anniversary and Graduation Celebrations. Thanks Cheryl for bringing me back to Rosseau." Katie Tsuyuki '01, Olympian
"These students are, indeed, leaders! It was my pleasure to attend.. looking forward to welcoming each of them to our dynamic alumni." John Di Cesare '92, Senior Partner, Financial Services
"A wonderful event and happy to be part of it. It was wonderful meeting so many talented, intelligent and engaging students, we should be very proud of our students and program!" Greg Swift '88, Executive Software Consultant and Board Chair for Rosseau Lake College
If you are interested in taking part, please contact Susie by email susiemorphet@rosseaulakecollege.com or by calling the school at 705-732-4351 as soon as possible to indicate the following:
- If you can make it and if you will be joining us for lunch
- Your career industry
- Your current title and employer
- A brief bio about you
- If you have an interest in taking part in a Friday evening activity (to be planned based on response and level of interest)