Lighthouse Swim

Lighthouse Swim
After looking across the water to the lighthouse for almost a month, a group of brave students decided to swim there on Tuesday.  Miguel Costemalle, Devon Hebert, Matt Criswick, Rodrigo Sanchez, and Matheus Aquino Rabello braved the 800 m swim with Mr. and Mrs. Carreau and Mr. Magor, accompanied by safety kayakers Nini Hind, Matt Neretlis, Brandon Ma, Eve and Miles Carreau, Ms. Morphet, and Mr. Smith.  An absolutely beautiful day, and a reminder of our good fortune in having a 13,000-acre freshwater swimming pool in the back yard!
Level 1 (XP: 0)
7 years ago
Way to go! What a wonderful accomplishmemt on a sunny day! Great photo! High five Matt and team .
Reply by Sharon Magor
7 years ago
Thank you for your comment, Nicole. It was a lovely experience for students and staff alike.

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